Secure Elements

Secure Elements Innovate UK GBIP visit to South Korea

Secure Elements founder, Mr Saket Mohan was in South Korea for a week exploring companies and experts, looking for partners in the CAV eco-system to strengthen our offering in the CAV Safety and Security portfolio. Alongside the strong handpicked British CAV companies by Innovate UK EDGE, he met and witnessed the first hand view of Korean CAV landscape and the local start-up eco-system including a visit to British Embassy Seoul, KATECH, K City, Incheon Free Economic Zone/Start-Up Park, Kakao Mobility, Seoul Mobility Show 2023. He also took the opportunity to discuss with potential partners and collaborators our Integrated Product Security Lifecycle Product CRISKLE which integrates ‘Systems, Safety and Security’ engineering processes to accelerate the adoption of a robust Cybersecurity Management System [CSMS] to assist in complying with ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE R155/R156 and how Secure Elements can accelerate and simplify automotive cybersecurity compliance.

As a follow up to our visit, this has already generated some new business events on both sides which the organisation and their technical trams are exploring.

Massive thank you to Innovate UK EDGE SW for giving us this opportunity and follow here for more information : GBIP South Korea

Read our visit in Business Korea Press HERE

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